Keyboard typing wrong letters and numbers after update fix [Solution]


Cute Lilly

This is not a question but a fix.

I had 4 sessions with 4 different MS customer support staff on this issue. One fixed the problem but once rebooted it again said my PW was incorrect but I knew it wasn’t because I could get in on my other laptop OK and also on the onboard keyboard in windows 10. Some of these sessions took an hour and they had remote access to my laptop for no permanent fix. Finally, I got a lovely girl from the Philippines customer support who took just 5 minutes to fix my issue however, this may not apply to all laptops but this particular one was purchased in 2011 with windows 7 but I have kept it updated to now be running 1909. My fix was that there was a KEY on the keyboard that has fn only on it and another one with numlk and delete on it and all she told me to do was press these 2 keys together for about 3 seconds which I did and then I had to type something which was correct. Then she stayed on the line until I rebooted and for the first time in months it accepted my password so all is great again. But, you can always add an external keyboard as a last resort as I did. Now as I said, if you don’t have these 2 keys on the keyboard then I have no idea. The fn and numlk are in blue print and easy to find because of the blue so GOOD LUCK.


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