Can't reset, Graphics Card issues, and many more.



So to start this off with a quick note: I have no idea if what the machine is feeding me is what the problem is or not. Please feel free to tell me that I'm barking up the wrong tree with this whole issue.

As an early Christmas gift from a friend, He let me upgrade most of my computer hardware. I received a new motherboard (ROG Strix B450-F Gaming Motherboard) a new processor (AMD Ryxen 5 3600 6-core [6.60 ghz]) and new power supply (Corsair cx 650M 650 watt). Everything seemed to click into place nicely and the hardware was easy to install. Once the computer booted up, standard settings were applied in the BIOS and all seemed well. About a week later, I personally purchased a new GPU (MSI Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1660 TI) and new DDR4 RAM and installed them, with things being able to run at max graphics without overheating, Euphoria took over and Skyrim never looked better. All was well.

Everything took a turn after about a week or so when, in the middle of a League of Legends match, everything ground to a halt. FPS tanked to zero, desktop became unresponsive, and mouse wouldn't move. I waited about 2 - 3 minutes and restarted the computer using the quick restart key on my corsair case. In the previously mentioned time period of 2-3 minutes, the computer remained frozen save for short bursts when I attempted to open my task manager, with my displays flashing to black once, but returning to normal display after.

After the whole fiasco, I figured it was best to check my drivers, read error logs, and check to see if my hardware was installed correctly. Drivers were up to date and my hardware seemed to be installed correctly, but there were zero error logs of the entire event save for:

"The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID

This was and still is lost on me. I can fake being good at this pretty far, but I don't have a clue what she's trying to say to me.

Anyways, I figured since these are new sets of hardware and drastically improved from the last, the best option would be to just nuke the thing and start over with a fresh install of windows.
I was a fool for thinking it would be easy after 3 years of registry errors and inexperienced delving into places I shouldn't have been.

So I downloaded the repair tool to a clean thumbdrive and attempted to start the windows reset process with a rootbeer and chili cheese fritos set aside for the long endeavor. This was cut short by the first of many roadblocks - "Windows couldn't find the recovery environment, please insert your windows installation or recovery media, and restart your PC with the media."

Now I may be a fool, but I'm at least an observant fool - my Recovery media was inserted into the usb port, and was being detected by the computer. (yes the drive was formatted before hand, yes i bought another drive, formatted it, and tried again.) After many different attempts, including the mental and emotional gymnastics of every port along with booting from different drives, I came to the conclusion that this wasn't going to work, and something was very wrong. I attempted to create a recovery drive within the boot drive to no avail, being met with probably the most infuriating issue so far:

"We can't create a recovery drive on this PC.
Some required files are missing. To troubleshoot problems when your PC can't start, use your windows installation disk or media"

I'm not going to even get into the levels of "That's why I'm here, A**hole" that are tearing through my veins.

Ok so that's Greek to me. I have no idea what it wants at this point besides a /syschecknow - which was the next step

it went a little like this -

CMD: Nothin's wrong man!
Me: Wrong. Incorrect. Try again there, sport.

After a few hard whacks to the face with the old video card I keep on my desk as a trophy of victory over poverty and low frame-rates, I scoured the internet for answers to my issue.

Entirely too broad of answers wrapped in vague solutions and a slight roux. Tasty.

So I did what any sensible person would do and remember that there's a simple answer that I hadn't tried yet. (spoilers, it wasnt.)

I attempted to run the setup tool for windows from the drive to see if it might work (at this point the hole is too deep and I wanted anything to do it's job) and came out with yet another hangup -

"This PC can't run windows 10

Windows can't be installed because this PC has an unsupported disk layout for UEFI firmware"

Pray tell, Windows, how are you running? What am I running now? Is it mac? Am I stupid?

Some more forum diving told me I needed to translate(?) my drive partitions from MBR to GPT (look mom I learned a new acronym!) and after the creators update, there was a helpful utility (MBR2GPT.EXE) executable that could just do that easy. Cool beans man!

And par for the course, It didn't work. Surprise. But it did give me a log! Praise be Windo-

2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: System disk number is 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Attempting to convert disk 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Retrieving layout of disk
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Initial partition information
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===========================================================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Partition layout for disk: 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Partition style : MBR
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR signature: 1563932381
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number of partitions : 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===================PARTITION===============================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number: 1
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Type: 7
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Boot: No
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Recognized: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Style: 0
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Offset: 32256
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Length: 73995264
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Volume: \\?\Volume{5d37b6dd-0000-0000-007e-000000000000}\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Drive: G:\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info NT Path: \Device\HardDisk2\Partition1
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===================PARTITION===============================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number: 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Type: 7
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Boot: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Recognized: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Style: 0
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Offset: 74027520
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Length: 249982709760
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Volume: \\?\Volume{5d37b6dd-0000-0000-0092-690400000000}\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Drive: C:\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info NT Path: \Device\HardDisk2\Partition2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===========================================================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ESP partition size will be 104857600
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Validating layout, disk sector size is: 512 bytes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: Opening store. Flags: 0x0
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: Store path: "\??\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk2\partition2\Boot\BCD"
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: Failed load key BCD00000000. Flags: 0x40 File: \??\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk2\partition2\Boot\BCD Status: c0000022
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: Loaded hive at BCD00000001
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: Opening object {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info BCD: BcdGetElementDataWithFlags: Failed to open key.Object: {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795} Type: 23000003 Status: c0000034
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Error FindOSPartitions: Cannot find default boot entry. Error: 0xC0000225
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Error Cannot find OS partition(s) for disk 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Partition information at error point
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===========================================================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Partition layout for disk: 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Partition style : MBR
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR signature: 1563932381
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number of partitions : 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===================PARTITION===============================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number: 1
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Type: 7
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Boot: No
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Recognized: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Style: 0
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Offset: 32256
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Length: 73995264
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Volume: \\?\Volume{5d37b6dd-0000-0000-007e-000000000000}\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Drive: G:\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info NT Path: \Device\HardDisk2\Partition1
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===================PARTITION===============================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Number: 2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Type: 7
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Boot: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Recognized: Yes
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Style: 0
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Offset: 74027520
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Length: 249982709760
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Volume: \\?\Volume{5d37b6dd-0000-0000-0092-690400000000}\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info Drive: C:\
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info NT Path: \Device\HardDisk2\Partition2
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info ===========================================================
2019-12-04 00:29:06, Info MBR2GPT: Conversion failed

At that point, I gave up. Disk 2 is my SSD with my boot on it. Literally you could spit anywhere in there and it would land on Sys32. I have no idea what this means and now I'm out of my comfort zone of stuff I'm willing to poke with a stick.

So now I'm here. The computer is somehow still on with it's smug glow from across the room. Any help would be good help, and if you would just like me to take it out back and put it out of it's misery, I have enough money for new drives. Thanks a bunch in advance, and please help me end this goose chase.

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