C: 100% usage causing system lockup and crash with any files attempting to save being wiped.

  • Thread starter Ingleburg_Humperdink
  • Start date


I've been using windows since win95 and until recently have been fine with that. BUT HOLY **** THIS IS STUPID. My boot drive with the windows install on it will reach 100% usage and cause a system wide lockup. At first the program I'm currently using will lock up. Menus will start to freeze. If I manage to bring up the start menu that will also freeze. Even using win+r to get the run dialog with "system shutdown -f -s -t 00" does nothing. When left alone in this state it eventually BSODS. The message on the BSOD is different each time, I'm guessing depending on what component happened to fail at that time. Sometimes the BSOD screen is just a mess of white and blue pixels.

The biggest problem is that if I make the mistake of compiling my programs/saving documents without checking the state of the C drive I will lose any documents trying to save. Yeah, 100s of hours writing a program? Better bet I'm glad I had those backups. It has gotten to the point where I have the taskman open at all times so I can watch the usage of the drive which is irritating because I would like to use that screen area to display nearly anything else. I'm seriously considering switching to linux this is so irritating. Unfortunately almost everything I use is bound to windows or I would have switched already. That includes my programs which utilize the windows libraries heavily (regrettably) and would take weeks to rewrite.

There does not seem to be a pattern to the lockups. It can happen literally seconds after logging on, sometimes it happens in the login screen but I can't say 100% because I can't see the C drive during that time. Sometimes my computer will be running for days fine then it will happen. My programming projects work with extremely large datasets and can take up to a week to run through it's tasks. So when I get to day 4 and find my computer frozen I literally want to throw it out the window.

I've followed the online suggestions of others who have had this problem. I've disabled many services from Cortana (useless bloatware) to updates. Changed regedit files and other things. Updated drivers, one guy said his drivers for his SSD caused the problem but I guess that's not why I had it. I've backed up and wiped my drives, done a clean install, and it didn't even make it better for a little while I immediately had the same problems.

I've exhausted everything suggested online, I don't remember all the specifics or I would list them but I'm not going through all of the digging again because I'm about to the point of not caring anymore and just switching to linux, mac, or anything else IDGAF at this point.

I used to love windows, defended it even in debate. But now I hate it. And I mean literally hate. The only thing I hate more than Windows at this point are the people who flew the planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11.

-Disk usage on boot drive reaches 100% randomly causing system lockup

-BSOD displays different messages each time.

-Tried everything online from disabling windows components to fresh install

-Windows has lived long enough to become the villain.

Don't know if this even counts as a question anymore as I'm just angry and want to vent at this point. If you can help me fix this your OS may take 3rd most hated thing to me after the attack on the U.S.S Liberty and the Twin Towers.

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