Proxy for Windows 7



Hello everyone!

I am trying to understand how my proxy settings work on windows (windows 7 specifically). I am very low in terms of my knowledge for how the default proxy options work on windows. I understand that the "automatically detect settings" on windows is automatically enabled. I am confused on a few small points:

(1) when this is on what is the "automatic" proxy. Online it seems to suggest the WPADP is found online when connecting to the internet (through the internet router settings), is this the case? Where do the WPADP come from?

My other questions is (2) does the answer to my first question change for the PAC files used, or is that something automatic on the machine or downloaded/created by the user? Where does the PAC file come from for older windows, I would assume you have to create or download your own PAC file, right? Or is it just shipped as a default file on all windows computers (that would be odd to me if all windows computers just used a proxy by default?).

Maybe I am just misunderstanding what all these files are/mean as well, any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

-Jaime "Dee"

*what I am referring to can be found on "internet options"-> "connections" -> "LAN Settings" -> and then the "automatically detect settings"box being at the top

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