Windows 10 ESENT 474 event corrupted local datafiles (WebCache, Catalog, etc ..) + strange TLS/SSL issues




I've been searching desperatly for a solution (or at least to locate the issue), because recently I built up a new PC :

  • Motherboard Asus ROG Strix z390-e Gaming
  • CPU Intel Core CoffeeLake 9700k
  • 2x8 Go Corsair RGB RAM (3200MHz)
  • 2x 1 To Samsung 970Evo Plus M.2 SSD

I installed with the Windows image tool creation from by previous PC, a Windows 10 Professional. Have a paid and valid license, activated it.

And after like few days of use without any problem, it began. The curse came in.

I started to have apps randomly crashing, some queries over HTTPS (TLS) failing (Firefox says : SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_READ), Edge works better, but I still have issues on some websites, … In the Windows Events Viewer I can see a lot of error ESENT types, picking you some examples :

- ESENT event 474 : WebCacheV01.dat : READ failed, checksum issue.

- ESENT event 474 : UnistoreDB\store.vol : Same, READ failed, checksum issue.

- ESENT event 474 : DataStore.edb : same

It leads to other ESENT errors because process fail after trying to read the db/file. A wild guess here, is it have something to do with checksums calculations being wrong because of my issue (even local certificate signature cheking for reading in these databases probably failing ?)

Talking about applications crashing, it's also related to cryptographic issues, because, for instance, if I launch League of Legends Game client, it randomly crash, and when I go check the logs, I can read this error :

| ERROR| BrowserProcess::OnCertificateError browserId = 1, certError = ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID, requestUri = "", certStatus = 4

then this one :

| ERROR| BrowserProcess::OnRenderProcessTerminated browserId = 1, status = "segmentation fault"

NOW, here is the long list of what I tried :

- Reinstall a fresh Windows 10 from the Recover tool in Windows 10 : Nothing changes

- Updated all my drivers from the official Motherboard ASUS website

- Updated BIOS and checked time sync : OS and BIOS time OK.

- Tried various SCAN Tools (Rootkit tool, RAM/HDD/CPU/ checker (MemTest, CHKDSK, Gmer, CCleaner, HDScan, …) : Appears to have no problem :) wow

- Tried ANOTHER connection, sharing my 4G mobile internet via USB : still have the issues. So issue in local.

- Tried to BOOT on Linux Mint or Ubuntu USB key live : each time I have a RIP error or Segmentation Fault, I can't boot up on Linux. Strange as well, have to dig more here.

- Tried to enable/disable different TLS/SSL versions in Internet Options

- Tried to check for bad certificates in my local certificate store : all seems to be pretty by default.

- Wanted to disabled EMS or change Cipher priority order for Windows, : on this one I'm not sure I did the things right, I 've seen no change.

- Tried to run DISM and SFC Windows integrity repair Tools, these detected Nothing wrong and completed to 100%

- Tried to disable Windows Defender/Firewall

- Tried to stop one by one, stoppable Services, to see if one was tampering my TLS/SSL encryption operation.

- I'm sure I did try other things, but I'm tired and I will add these when I remember.

now I found a subject of a fellow, who apparently have the same symptoms :


The post ends with no solution, but a lot of search, and I could test some things based on that. Like DannyRCDW said, I'm also willing to pay a Bounty at this point. It's totally insane.

Please, if you read me, have you any idea of what's could going on here ? I'm out of idea.



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