Upgarding Windows Vista to Windows 7



I am not very computer savvy (so if you reply please use language a relative novice can understand) but have managed to do a full system restore and upgrade in the past but on this occasion I am having problems. I have a legal copy of Windows 7 on a flash drive and after setting up Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor but when I select the “Start Check” tab I receive a warning that states “Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor was unable to reach the Microsoft server for compatibility information. Check your internet connection and try again later”. My internet is working fine and on this PC, through Firefox. I have repeated the process several times but I keep getting the same warning.

My mother was recently given this PC which has not been used for a long time, so I have had to do nearly 200 Windows updates, there is one however that will not install and I am wondering if this might be the problem. The code is 800736CC.

If anyone can help with this I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance, Eugene.

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