Windows Search only finds OneDrive for Business files in cloud, not local copies


Jay Libove

On one particular Windows 10 Enterprise 2019H2 (18363) system, on which I recently had to replace a second hard drive (F:) on which my entire OneDrive for Business is sync'd locally (option to "Save space and download files as you use them" is UN-checked), now Windows search (searching from the Windows Start menu) no longer finds the local copies of files on OneDrive on F:\OneDrive - Organization_Name, but instead ONLY finds those files in the cloud (e.g. OneDrive for Business:\path\to\file.ext).

In the process of replacing the old hard drive, I did the following:

Added the new hard drive to the system (as G:)

Unlinked this PC from OneDrive.

Copied everything from F: to G:

Removed the (old) F: drive

Changed the (new) drive's letter from G: to F:

Re-linked this PC to OneDrive, specifying the same file path (F:\OneDrive - Organization_Name)

Waited for OneDrive to re-check everything and report that "All files are in sync".

Windows Search is configured to index the whole computer.

Windows Search shows about 606000 files indexed. The number of files under F:\OneDrive - Organization_Name is about 227000. The number of files on C: is about 45000. So the 606000 or so files indexed by OneDrive seems about right, to include BOTH drives C: and F:.

And yet, tapping the Windows key and searching only finds my OneDrive for Business content in the cloud, NOT locally as I want.

I want Windows Search to find my OneDrive for Business content locally FIRST.

How do I return to the previous, desired behavior (which I do still see on other computers)?

(And, why would this have changed due to nothing more than replacing a hard drive?)

thank you.

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