Windows Media Player 12 on Windows 10 Home


Pan Demic

Have an irksome little issue that I'm wondering about concerning Media Player. I was doing some housekeeping of music files in my Media Player library, downloaded songs and some tracks that I'd slapped together myself, entering song details etc., and in the middle of doing this, MP stopped allowing me to add pictures to the "album art" thumbnail in the songs' entry in the MP library. Usually, you can right-click on the thumb for the track/album (which is blank if it's a custom track) and will have the option to "paste album art" listed among others. Well, that option just disappeared, even if I'd already copied a pic I wanted to use and had it waiting on deck in the clipboard, no joy. As I said, I was in the middle of updating tracks' info and had already done this very thing for a couple of songs. I didn't change any settings for MP - I don't know what happened. Any theories?

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