How to adjust multi monitor cursor transition



Hello ladies and gents of the forum. As the title suggest, I'd like to know how to adjust cursor behavior when transitioning between monitors.

I'm just built my first (2) pc(s), and am trying to set up monitors for them both.

pc1 has 2 1080p monitors at 24 and 27 inches. Windows seems to think they are the same size and as a result moving the cursor horizontally from one screen to another results in a change in height, which is slightly annoying.

pc2 has a 24in 1080p monitor and a 28 in 2160p one. Windows seems to the 2160p one is physically double the size and will not let my mouse onto the smaller monitor unless I transition from the bottom half of the larger one, which as one can imagine is more frustrating still.

Ideally I would like to be able to keep cursor's height (in the real world) when transitioning screens when possible, and when out of range have the cursor "bumped" down to the top of the smaller screen. Failing that, I'd like to at least have pc2 behave like pc1, that is to say at least allow screen transition along the entire edge of the bigger screen.

Apologies if this isn't the right topic. My thinking is that this is a personalization issue, and I was not able to find one specifically related to displays.

Further apologies if this is a "why didn't you just google (bing?) it" question. I did try to no avail, mostly due to not knowing what to search for.

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