Odd File Permissions Problem


Mike J Kelly

I am running into an odd file permissions problem. Here's what I did:

  1. Purchased new 4 TB SATA drive and installed it in my machine
  2. Tried using Casper Secure Drive Backup to do a sector copy from the old drive (now relabeled M:) to the new drive (now labelled J: - the same drive letter used previously for my data drive that contains both Dropbox folders along with other stuff). It is bitlockered and Casper is supposed to handle that, but that failed with cryptic errors.
  3. So I fell back on ROBOCOPY:
    1. Bitlocker encrypted the new empty J: 4 TB drive
    2. ROBOcopied the whole contents of M: (the old drive) with /MOVE which deletes it from the source.
    3. That took about 22 hours, but I just let it run.

Note that prior to this, I had relocated the System Documents and Pictures folder to the Dropbox folder (so system Documents is "J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents". This worked fine on the old drive. On the new drive, I'm running into odd file permission errors when I try to write into the special folders. I first encountered this trying to save a picture to the system Pictures (relocated to J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Pictures" - it would give me a "file not found" error. Huh? I'm creating the file. In poking around a bit, I found it also happens in Documents. Here's a simple demonstration just in the command prompt:

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal>cd Documents

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents>echo hi > x
The system cannot find the file specified.

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents>cd AIT

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT>echo hi > x

The system cannot find the file specified.

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT>cd "AnyCount 3D"

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT\AnyCount 3D>echo hi > x

The system cannot find the file specified.

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT\AnyCount 3D>dir

Volume in drive J is Data2

Volume Serial Number is 1C15-6A9F

Directory of J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT\AnyCount 3D

01/10/2020 12:53 PM <DIR> .

01/10/2020 12:53 PM <DIR> ..

05/03/2019 03:53 PM <DIR> Debug

05/30/2018 11:32 AM <DIR> OCR

01/10/2020 12:53 PM <DIR> Web

0 File(s) 0 bytes

5 Dir(s) 2,428,804,755,456 bytes free

J:\Dropbox (Tech DNA)\Mike Personal\Documents\AIT\AnyCount 3D>

I've checked permissions and they seem reasonable - but it seems like something got corrupted in the Robocopy. I did pass /SECFIX to RoboCopy which is supposed to set security correctly.

Any ideas?

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