Multiple websites under IIS on Win 2012 R2 - on port 80?




we have one website up and running on - acmept and if you go to http://acmept on your local area network it works - we don't want to have it accessible to the world just internally for development.

We want to add another site on (same IP address) on the same port (80)

I've created the site. (not sure if I should add an A or Cname record on our private dns. the sitename is test.acmept

every article I find says some variation of open a command prompt and run (I've seen multiple ways of doing it) but no matter what I can't get it to work

Run Multiple Websites on the Same Port and IP Address on IIS | Windows OS Hub

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set site /"TestSite" /+bindings.[protocol='http',bindingInformation='*:80:TestSite']


Configure a Host Header for a Web Site (IIS 7)

**appcmd set site /**string **/bindings.[protocol='string',bindingInformation='string'].bindingInformation:**string

[In the end I'll either get a message saying error unknow attribute "bindings" or mallformed collection indexer

Can someone please help me with the correct solution for Win 2012 R2?

Sorry but please don't send me links to other sites that say how to do it - I think I've looked at everyone and couldn't figure out the correct cmd prompt script

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