All clicking stuff is not working properly



I was playing Minecraft on my laptop with chrome open, only 3 tabs, one was playing music on youtube music, cookie clicker was open in another tab, and a selected “new tab” to stop youtube music from playing long ads, besides that, i had open steam and a auto clicker i used for a while with no problem. When i used alt + tab to go from Minecraft to chrome to like the song Youtube music was playing (i do this a lot, i know i could use F11 to go to windowed mode, but this alt + tab is almost involuntary to me) the touble started. Not sure if it started when i was playing or if it was the switch tat caused the problem as i could continue playing despite that i experienced the problem just the moment i tried to change tabs, i had to exit fullscreen and click on Minecraft as when i clicked it kept selecting chrome.

When i try to open a tab, type a website to visit it on chrome, and even interacting with the taskbar, desktop, etc. I have to first focus the taskbar, desktop or wherever the item i want to click is, and then i can click on it, for example, if i want to open file explorer from the taskbar, i have to click on the taskbar first and then i can click on the icon of the file explorer, same with the desktop, chrome, the start menu, and even in websites.

On top of that, none of the icons on the desktop open and none of the buttons, hyperlinks, etc. On chrome work, the only thing i can do to open a web page is through markers (not the ones that apear in new tab, the ones that are visible on the top) and by typing the url. And pressing a button or hyper link in any page does nothing, this means that i can’t open results from google search, nor any link in any pages, this includes videos on youtube (I can’t even select my Netflix profile! And had to open this page on my phone to be able to post this question as doing it on my laptop was impossible).

There’s probably more stuff that’s going on, but it’s stuff like that and i think you get the idea, i tried rebooting my laptop, but clicking on the off button inside the start menu did nothing, so i had to shut it down by holding the physical on/off button, and it didn’t solve the problem.

There’s nothing that i did when this happened that i haven’t done yet multiple times, as i use to listen to music a lot as i do things like play video games, read, etc. I tried searching help, but i wasn’t sure what to type because i think it’s so specific (needless to say, i didn’t found anything).

This is the list of details of my device:

Lenovo Legion y520

intel core i5 7300HQ

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 2GB

8GB of ram

Windows 10

Only have Windows defender as antivirus

I believe i don’t have any malware as i only download things from sites i trust and windows defender has conducted numerous scans with 0 threats found, but i’m open to that

Update: i can actually open links and buttons work of i click on them to select them and press enter lol. But i can’t pause/unpause, toggle fullscreen or even close ads.

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