What a Hassle . . .



But sometimes, when I run a movie, or type in a new movie. (I use Vex movies).
I get a screen with the below words. What's worse. It takes 42 seconds to run.
When the message is done, the run is stopped. When, I click to start it. The message
is repeated. It would do this over and over. So, I give up . . .
I went to Hydrax.net. It's a website hosting company. How do I stop this message?

Thank for reading . . . Jerry

Hello Webmaster
You got this messager because your Hydrax.net account have bill to be paid
Please go to Hydrax.net>billing>pay all bills
If you have paid and this messager not removed, please wait
This messager will remove in 5 minutes if you use Hydrax player script
If you use API for getlink playlist m3u8, clear cache in your server and get re-link
Sorry for this messager making you uncomfortable
Thank you for using Hydrax.net

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