
I have read the replies that were noted for those having the same problem on Windows 10. You have several windows open and suddenly, one by one, they start to close down for no reason at all. This has been happening for months no with no end in sight. I've seen the responses and tried them but it still does it. I read on Google that what was already on my laptop when I purchased it was Windows 10S which I believe, is limited in what you can and cannot do and you can only browse the web with Microsoft Edge. I am retired, so having tons of files saved on my computer is not a problem. However, when I have it opened and am on Facebook or another site, one by one, the opened windows just close automatically at times. I'm beginning to think it's the HP laptop that may have a problem but I've always had an HP laptop before I purchased this new one a year ago and never had problems like this. I have read that Windows 10 was the worst version ever with all the errors and problems....most of them which cannot be solved or even know why it is happening. It's the same steps given to everyone to try and if it doesn't work....too bad I guess. Additionally, I had a lot of legal and medical documents saved in my "labels" which I think of as folders. A few weeks ago, everything and I mean everything in not only those folders but all others were deleted somehow. When I went on Google to check it out, it noted that "labels" are discarded after a few months automatically! Why don't people know that? It was never noted when Windows 10 was installed and now all of a sudden, it's happening. Apparently, there are no "folders" like you see in other email accounts. I had to open up an account on Yahoo just so that I can send any medical records, etc that I get, to my account there and save them. If not, Gmail will just delete them after awhile. Just for the fun of it this time, (over a week ago), I am also moving it to a certain label and see how long it takes before those, too, are deleted and cannot be recovered. If there are "folders" where you can move an email over to where it will be kept for as long as you want to and not have to worry about it being automatically deleted.....I'd sure like to know where you find "folder" as it sure doesn't show up on your Gmail account! Thank you for whatever assistance you can give me or enlighten me on.

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