Blue screen of death




I've been running into the blue screen of death a lot more lately, specifically only when gaming. The program ran fine in older versions of window, but now, I've been experiencing "Unexpected storage exception" a lot and "Kernel data input error" just as much. I'm not really sure what procs these errors but I kind of just assumed that my CPU/memory had to much usage. Based off that assumption, I've tried alternative methods that I found online like: disabling services in task manager that aren't Microsoft, disabling start up applications, adjusting my power modes to optimize performance (like disabling fast start up), disabling certain window features (like the tip feature), adjusting advanced performance settings (adjusted the shadows, thumbnails, etc.), upgrading all my drives, and etc. I've reset my whole laptop and reinstalled the game but to no relief, I still run into the blue screen.... I've tried running the program in windows 8 and it ends in the same result. I've used the /chdsk function (or whatever it is) and the /scannow function and found nothing wrong with my hard drive. One thing that does happen consistently-before the blue screen of death- is that I can hear the computer/fan getting louder as it crashes. Sometimes the audio will also loop and then crash BUT the laptop itself always gets louder as it crashes.

I am not very tech savvy but I have a Lenovo Yoga 720-12IKB. I believe these are the right specs, forgive me if I mislabel something....


SSD: 128 GB

Processor: Intel Core i3-7100U CPU @ 2.40 GHz 2.4GHz

Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620

System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

OS: Windows 10 Home version 1909

I was looking at maybe upgrading my SSD to 250 GB because I know my specs are low. I cannot upgrade the RAM or GPU in my Lenovo yoga because it is mounted into the mother board soooooo the only option I have left is to upgrade the SSD. Like I said, I've tried running the /scannow function and nothing wrong popped up with the hard drive. That's why I'm not sure if upgrading my hard drive will ACTUALLY prevent this blue screen of death. The game I'm trying to run is league of legends and I'm pretty sure my laptop meets the requirements for the game because it ran perfectly well before with 1920x1200 resolution and good fps (good fps in my standards) with no lag in previous versions of windows/the client itself. Recently (before updating to 1909), the blue screen of death happened occasionally (like maybe once a day) but after this recent update to windows 1909 it usually happens twice a game. Also when I have a lot of documents and tabs open, and the CPU/Memory is very high, the blue screen of death will also occur outside of the game-resulting in the same mechanism of malfunction (Unexpected Storage Exception + Kernel Data Input Error"

As I said, I am not very tech savvy so please let me know what other information you might need to help me fix this issue.

Thank you to anyone who spent the time to read this!

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