Built in Laptop mic, only works when earbuds are not plugged in.



Lenova legion laptop running windows 10.

I want to use ear buds on my lap top but still use my laptop's builtin mic for speaking. This use to work fine (even with these particular earbuds) but suddenly it is not. This problem has happened to be in the past and seems to randomly come and go every few weeks. furthermore the built in mic has inconstant quality and often is exstreamly static. Opening and closing the pc seems to reset the mic quality. It was on my latest attempt at this that i lost all input from the mic. If i unplug the head phones then the mic works again.

The earbuds themselves have a mic that is broken. Furthermore, while plugged in my outgoing audio is getting feed back as input on "stereo mix" I suspect this is just cross talk on the earbud cables and the pc is trying to default to using that mic.
in Sound: Recording devices tab in windows. I can clearly see that there is no activity on "microphone" at all unless the earbuds are unplugged. I can only assume that windows is disabling the built in mic in lew of using the ear bud mic. How can I tell windows to stop doing this?


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