How can I stop new windows from seizing the mouse pointer?


Phil Goetz

I commit user errors almost every day, caused when a window pops up just as I'm about to click the mouse button in some other window. The new window seizes the mouse pointer and input, usually putting the mouse pointer right over some default button, usually the worst one: "Cancel", and I click it before I can stop myself.

So it often happens that I throw away some set of computations that took a long time to produce, or a file I was editing gets thrown out because a popup dialog like "Save before exiting?" seized my mouse pointer, or (extremely common) I fail to delete a file because a "Delete file? yes NO" dialog pops up while I'm clicking on something else. This last is especially common because I have several applications which take 10-20 seconds to pop up a "Really delete files?" dialog, so I go on to do other things while waiting for the popup. I also have a voice-to-text program which I like to leave on to transcribe audio lectures, and I often come back and find that some window popped up and hijacked all the text output.

I want windows NOT to seize the mouse pointer whenever some new window opens. I want to control my mouse myself.

Anybody know a way to do this?

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