Windows 10 Severe and Random Process Lag - Troubleshooting

  • Thread starter TheJubilantGorilla
  • Start date


Hi guys,

My windows10 machine is having random and severe lag spikes that make it near unusable at times. This happens 1-5 times daily, it will occur randomly with no set actions leading up to the problem. Description:

- Every single windows process will slow down to a fraction of its speed, almost like watching in stop motion.

- File explorer, chrome, start window (ANYTHING) will play back at about 1fps and be nearly impossible to use

- The only fix is to restart my PC, or to switch off, leave it for a while and then turn back on.

One other important point is this often results during editing in Premiere Pro. Not one particular action or amount of time triggers it, but it will randomly happen after I have been using PremierePro for an amount of time. Sometimes it comes off the back off a random premiere pro crash, but othertimes it happens while premiere is still running.

PC Specs:

Dell XPS 9560


16gb RAM

{NEW} Samsung 970 Evo 2tb SSD

Any help majorly appreciated.

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