Windows 10 v1909 L2TP Still Broken; This is for Microsoft Tech Support & Windows-10 Development Team; Fix the issue



Seems Microsoft Techs and or MS Development Team don't care about critical issues.

Some of us Users depend on Secure VPN connectivity.

Some of us also have a large client base that has to be supported using L2TP.

And now it has been broken a few months with no fix available and no direct attention from MS.

Yes SSTP Works but a lot of Companies don't support it.

Yes PPTP Works but security is not as robust as L2TP.

I just installed the latest Cumulative Update for v1909 hoping the fix was in BUT that was not the case Still NOT Working.


The Connections Popup List on the System Tray also does not list items in an alphabetized order since the first Win-10 release.

The RasPhone does a better Job at that and the software was written 20+ Years ago.

Please fix ASAP, and QC vitial Windows subsystem Updates before releasing and causing major issues.

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