Network Location Awareness seems to be causing issues when connecting to local domain network from windows 10.


Mark Standage

We have a single server running Server 2016. This acts as primary domain controller and global catalogue. It is situated at our Leeds HQ and acts only to authenticate users/devices on the WAN and acts as a file server for sharing. It is not a web or email server.

Our Windows 10 PC's logon to our domain xxx.local in order to share files etc. We have about 60 pc's and the 30 which reside at remote locations and connect via the wan have no problems logging on and identifying the domain and hence gaining direct access to network shares. The 30 pcs which are located at our Leeds HQ on the same LAN however have issues. Some days they identify the domain immediately and other days they cant find the domain and identify the network as NETWORK2. Our current fix is that you go into the network adaptor and tick/untick IPV6 (as we only use IPV4). This then kicks the network location awareness to identify the domain network.

What I cant understand is why this only occurs locally and not on wan connected pc's in remote locations even though the setup is identical.

We had no such issues on Windows7/Server 2008 its just since we have moved to Windows10/Server 2016

What I can’t understand is why this is only occurring at Leeds HQ. I have tried changing network awareness service to Automatic (Delayed) but this does not work. I have tried replacing the switch, cabling. I checked no remnants of the old network exist anywhere. I have also updated the network adaptors software.

We have also run CMD net config server /autodisconnect-1 on workstations

Have done DNS Flush/RE-REGISTER on workstations.

WINS is off, function discovery service is running on workstations.

I also have checked forward and reverse lookup zones on server and DCDIAG comes back with no errors

a few seconds ago

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