What happens when the RDS licensing grace period (during which no license server is required) expires after 120 days?



I am using Windows Server 2016. My system is running CyberArk, which includes 2 active PSM servers.

The behavior when trying to PSM-RDP and PSM-SSH varies. I understand that I am required to install the RDS CAL licenses (am still waiting for Sales to provide me the licenses). As I am utilising 2 PSMs, by default I should still be allowed to run 4 concurrent remote sessions (2 sessions allowed by default per PSM).

However, this error message keeps appearing even when I am only running one session "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server License Servers available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator."

And this message usually appears when trying to PSM-SSH. When I PSM-RDP, usually the session proceeds as per normal. May I know if there are any limitations to simply relying on the 2 sessions allowed by default per PSM?

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