Accidentally Erased/Merged system C:\User\<Name> folder and 3D Objects\ data folder - How do I get my User <Name> back??



TLDR: Was moving the 3D Objects folder from SSD C:\Users\<Name> to HDD D:\Users\<Name>. Sent it back from the HDD to the SDD to fix something and now it shows as C:\Users\3D Objects. How do I get my Administrator username back?

Longer Version:

After doing some reading here, I decided to using an outlined method:

Rt click on C:\Users\<Name>\Documents > select location tab > move > browse to get to D:\ > and clicked apply

So I did a test run with the User system folder 3D Objects (empty folder), as above.

It successfully ended up on Data D:\Users\3D Objects\ instead of D:\Users\<Name>\3D Objects.

I decided to revert back and think a bit more about how to separate Users’ Personal Files, and the Problems of having multiple My Documents folders, so I moved it back into the original folder ie C: \ User <Name>, using the same outlined method for moving it back .


On moving it back, it merged with the file C:\User\<Name>

And renamed the merged file C:\User\3D Objects\

So my user file is now C:\User\3D Objects, which I don't know how this will affect my Administrator.


How do I separate out the folders so that \3D Objects\ sits inside C:\User\<Name>, and can I bring back my username?


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