One weird thing happen with my laptop. I am curious to know why



My Laptop battery got damaged completely. It is not working with out A/C input. To keep it in another way If I remove A/C Input ( If I remove external power) Laptop getting shutdown. So I brought new battery and replaced It with old one. After that every thing went good. I just thought to replace my new battery with Old one to cross check once. I performed following steps

I shutdown my system and removed my new battery and replaced It with my old one. As I said my old battery does not work with out A/C Input I plugged In external power and switched on laptop. Now WITH OUT BOOTING my system came In to logon screen. Is it possible?

I am using Dell Inspiron 5558 laptop and my OS is windows 10.

so I went and checked In logs. I can see the following.

Information 2/10/2020 18:44 Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon 7002 -1102 User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program

Information 2/10/2020 18:44 Win32k 267 None Touch/Touchpad Hardware Quality Assurance verification succeeded.

Information 2/10/2020 18:44 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power 187 -243 User-mode process attempted to change the system state by calling SetSuspendState or SetSystemPowerState APIs.

Information 2/10/2020 18:44 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power 42 -64 "The system is entering sleep.

Sleep Reason: Application API"

Information 2/10/2020 18:44 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power 107 -102 The system has resumed from sleep.

Information 2/10/2020 18:46 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General 1 -5 "The system time has changed to ‎2020‎-‎02‎-‎10T13:16:02.500000000Z from ‎2020‎-‎02‎-‎10T13:14:47.577189600Z.

Change Reason: System time synchronized with the hardware clock. Process: '' (PID 4)."

Information 2/10/2020 18:46 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power 105 -100 Power source change.

As per what I see In logs system went to sleep. so Think that instead of shutdown I clicked on sleep. Even then when I remove the battery system should shutdown, But I cant see It In logs.

Can any one explain above behavior.

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