complaints pocedure




I was having trouble updating the windows update for feb, so I registered for a call back with microsoft the technicians helped Install the updates remotely by using the updates catalogue then the phone went off and he kept contact through notepad then he hung up I rebooted my machInes and brIll the update was fixed it didn't have to un change the update, It had worked, Then I found that I couldn't sIgnin to BT Truekey my password manager ?I tryed and tryed no luck, so I phoned macafee because It wouldn't let me reset my master password through an email, they saId they were having server trouble and to try In 3-4 hours, so I phoned BT In the mean tIme, and they told me that my master password had been changed, the cheek of It, then I had the BT technicians asure me that the account would be suspended for 7 days and the security team would be Intouch, which was a lIe because the loop fInally renderded its self I was able to enter my email detaIls Into BT True key and get a one tIme password, so now I have to change all my passwords ,a word of warning never use a password manager on basIc put full protectIon on, 2WA and request It to get your master passsword for every logIn you do and any action you make in your password manager even copying of viewing a password, I know thIs defeates the purpose of a password Manager but I guess thats how It has to be If we want to protect our devIces,and never give anyone remote access of your devise, I thought Its mIcrosoft I contacted them no spam of dodgy URLs or redIrects, they I learned the hardway Its not a nIce feelIng when you thInk some one has been lookIng around your devices I thInk Its more the fact you have been jouept So learn to fix your own equipment I thinks the best advise I can give ,So If anyone can poInt me In the rIght dIrectIon to make a formal complaInt and the protocol proccedure i would be very grateful ,ps plus he erased the Support-LogmMeIn.exe when the left ,so all I have are the event logs hIs phone number and the tImes when all this happened, he could of been using a co-workers logIn and Id

thanks Matt

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