Does 2nd tier support from Microsoft exist or it is just a scam?



I contacted Microsoft last Monday and spent 3 hours trying to figure out why Windows cannot connect to my External Hard drive. He gave up and told me that a Second Tier agent would call me on Friday noon and if I wanted to change to an earlier time just to respond to the email. (There were about four lies in just that conversation). sent 6 emails and no response whatsoever so I called again and the agent said he would change it to 10am. I asked for an email confirmation which I never got. Waited at 10am , 11am and noon and never heard form a single call.

Tried to call back from 6pm to 1:30pm on Driday and all the agents did was put my in a never ending queue. They were so lost, couldn't red, had no clue what my issue was or what was going on.

Spent all day Saturday trying to get an agent to transfer me to a 2nd Tier Agent. They said one would call me back in 30 minutes then was on hold for about another 4 hours. Is this company just on big arrogant, selfless, rude and evil company?

Can anyone tell me how i can get service form this corporate monster? Any assistance would be appreciated.

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