How could I get W10 search like W7 used to?



Yes how? It 2017 this was asked and what has been done since to improve?

I just upgraded to w10 - not by my choice but MS choice!

And as usual 2017 thread is locked so I'll start again but by repeating the old thread.

"I've been using Windows 10 for a while now. For the most part, I like it. There have been some good additions like virtual desktops, the merged Win8 start screen and Traditional windows start menu, and it's got some nifty internal stuff going on. The most obvious flaw is the search feature.

I get it. It would be nice to have a search bar that let's you type stuff in and search your apps, your files, and the internet all at once. In theory it's an interesting tool. "Cortana", however, has some glaring issues that make it basically useless for everyday use. If going into my "All Apps" section to find what I need is easier than searching, you've failed.

Issue 1: Incremental Results
Again, this seems like a cool feature: change the results on the fly as I type in what I want to search for, then stream in results as they come in rather than posting a progress bar. Seems like it would be neat. It's not though, since there isn't any way for me to be sure that the search is complete, and incoming results change the position of the currently displayed results. That means if I've already found the app I want and am trying to click on it, it can suddenly be replaced with a completely separate app, or file, or website. This defeats the only practical benefit of HAVING streaming results in the first place. Add to that a system that gives you just enough time to refresh after typing additional search words to move your mouse to a result that's about to disappear, and you've got yourself a frustrating and useless feature.

Issue 2: Failure to detect exact results
This is a big one. There are a large number of times where "Cortana" will fail to detect exact matches in the start menu, instead suggesting obscure system/program files. This is the MINIMUM a search feature on the start menu should do. This alone gets the system an F.

Issue 3: Bing and Edge
I don't know why Microsoft thought they needed a web search engine, but that's fine. Forcing me to use it is NOT fine. It is the furthest thing from fine I can imagine. Forcing users into a single web search provider is anti-competitive, pointless, and cripples the usefulness of the feature to the point where it's basically useless. Add in the fact that it launches Edge instead of the default browser, and you've turned your search feature into an invasive parasite.

Issue 4: Greedy Indexing
Indexing the file system can be a lot of work. USUALLY this runs when the computer is idle, but I've had many instances where the Indexing Service decides to run in the middle of a hard drive speed test, or during a game, ruining both. Some other new services also seem to have a hard time detecting whether or not the computer is being used.

These things need to be fixed. I'm sure people have other complaints, as do I, but these are the major ones that make the current system a mess to use. What do other people think? What other improvements could be made?"
Now as I said... This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.!

So I read through that locked thread and did not even get to my own post that earned me to be contacted because I contributed to the question/discussion???

Anyway among my perusing I read one "Solved" reply.

This suggested you go to Cortana > Type "index" under Option> Modify (this to select your whole pc I understand....)

Since 2017 perhaps Lady Cortana is not the same anymore. On my PC it did not look the same way as described in the suggestion. Anyway I tried and got to Modify - It did not take one hour to index (if it did at all) and I don't feel I achieved anything!

So if there is a better way to get back to the W7 search function feel Please let us know.

PS this form let us choose under windows topic "Cortana and Searches"

I don't care much about Cortana but definitely would like Search to be more like it was under W7.

I understand that it is possible by now, there is actually a good way to do it, If so I don't know it and would like to. Else it's probably hot wind in the air as it will fall in deaf hears.

PS 2 when I hoover over my text here I can see a floating text saying

"This thread is locked for future replies" ?

Did i miss something, did I do something wrong?

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