1709 failing to update due to lack of security



For as long as i can remember now i am unable to get any updates past 1709 to work or even do a windows reinstall, i have tried everything i can think of. From clearing system distribution folder, stopping start up process to see if that would help even removed my 3rd party aniti virus software which is Trend Micro.

But every time i try to update it keeps asking for security files to be updated but they wont work, i have tried doing it stand alone , forced update, windows assistant, clean boot, nothing works for me.

If possible and it can be done i just wish to upgrade to latest version without having to do a complete reinstall if possible as it will take me forever to put back on my various programs and other personal things that i wish to keep.

Any assistance much appreciated losing my mind and going bald from ripping hair out.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind Regards.

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