My computer is a complete mess with constant BSODs and errors



I just can't deal with this anymore. I have this PC, and it's been a hot mess for months now. I've tried reinstalling windows, uninstalling drivers, replacing hardware, taking pieces out and putting them back together again. I just can't figure it out. I've had friends try to help, tried to ask every techy person I know, and no one understands why this PC is so ridiculously crashy. So I come to you, little forum, in hopes of fixing this. I've uploaded my dmp files. Today, I've had about six BSOD, and the PC barely kept it together to post this thread. My most recent BSOD was unexpected kernal mode trap with win32kfull.sys failing, though earlier in the day i had kmode exception not handled error, fault in nonpaged area, or memory management, and followed by dpc watchdog violation, which is the most common of the BSODs.

thank you

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