Issue with 1 (of 2) monitors randomly going black every few minutes.



Hey there, I was hoping perhaps someone would have an answer to a problem that is driving me nuts. I am on a relatively new (Nov 2019) HP Omen machine connected to a pair of identical 4k Asus monitors. (also both brand new in Nov) What happens is once in a while I start having an issue where every few seconds one of the screens goes black for about half a second then returns to normal.

It is VERY strange as it seems to be completely random in regards to which screen it happens with. There is no consistency. It also seems to happen for periods of time then go away. For example, right now the computer is basically unusable it is happening so often but in an hour it may stop happening completely and I might not have a problem again for days. The frequency of the black screens also changes, sometimes it is once every 5min, other times it is every 5 seconds.

Note, it is always only one screen. Never both at the same time which suggests to me it isn't the display driver crashing or something like that? (I may be wrong?)

So far I have tried all of the following:

- Rebooting

- Uninstalled and re-installed the GPU drivers multiple times and have confirmed that I am on the latest version.

- Re-installing Windows 10 from scratch and have confirmed I am on the latest version of windows.

- Purchasing new DisplayPort cables for the screens (even though their cables were brand new)

- Adjusting my power options to high performance

- Unplugging one of the screens and only running a single screen.

- Disabling features like G-sync

- Swapped out to a brand new, high quality, power bar.

- Running an extension cord from another room so that the screens are drawing from a different circuit than the computer. (in case I am overloading the circuit)

- Cleaning the display ports (though they didn't really need it since they are basically brand new)

Nothing seems to help. There is no increase or decrease in the frequency of it happening when the computer is under heavy load. (aka I could be running a high spec game or I could be sitting on the desktop with the computer completely idle and no apps open, it still happens)

I'm at my wit's end with it, it is driving me crazy. The only things I can think of remaining are:

A) It is a problem with the power supply in my apartment. Perhaps old wiring not providing sufficiently consistent power? This could explain the intermittent-ness of the problem? It only happens when other tenants in the building are consuming higher than normal? Say running appliances? I don't really have any way to test or confirm this though? If this is the case would a UPS help? I know UPSes protect against complete loss of power but do they help with minor fluctuations? I really know nothing about them and don't want to go drop several hundred on one if it isn't going to help at all. Does this theory even make sense? I'm grasping at straws...

B) There is some sort of problem with either my Mobo, GPU, or PSU? How would I go about diagnosing which?

C) It is some software or driver issue that I haven't considered?

Any help would be fantastic. I'm running out of ideas and since it is so intermittent it is hard to go take it back to the store for warranty work as I can't prove it is happening. Plus I have no idea if it is even the computer that is the problem.

Thanks so much for any guidance.

My specs are:

Windows 10 Home 10.0.

i7-9700k @ 3.6ghz

Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070

32 GB of RAM (Corsair Vengeance 2666mhz 2x16gb)

Windows is installed on a 256gb M.2 PCIE SSD

HP 8509 Mobo

The screens are a pair of Acer 32" 4K UHD 60Hz 4ms GTG VA LED FreeSync (ET322QK)

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