Computer Registered name



rHow do I chane the computer registered name? When I go to c drive/system
Propertes/General I would like to change the registered name.

Thank You

Eric P.

gdz wrote:
> rHow do I chane the computer registered name? When I go to c drive/system
> Propertes/General I would like to change the registered name.
> Thank You

' Windows Scripting Host Script to correct the
' registered owner and company name in the Registry

Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

ChangeOne "RegisteredOwner", "Owner"
ChangeOne "RegisteredOrganization", "Company"

Sub ChangeOne (valName, dispName)
' Read the old value from the Registry
oldValue = WSHShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\" +_
"Windows\CurrentVersion\" + valName)
' Prompt the user to input a new value
newValue = InputBox("Old Value " + Chr(34) + oldValue + _
Chr(34), "Change Registered "+dispName, oldValue)
' Was any change requested?
If (newValue <> "") AND (newValue <> oldValue) Then
' If so, make the change...
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\" +_
"CurrentVersion\"+valName, newValue
' ... and report the change
WSHShell.Popup "Registered " + dispName + " changed " +_
"from " + Chr(34) + oldValue + Chr(34) + " to " +_
Chr(34) + newValue + Chr(34)
' If not, report that no change was made
WSHShell.Popup "No change to registered " + dispName
End If
End Sub

Don Phillipson

"gdz" <> wrote in message

> rHow do I chane the computer registered name? When I go to c drive/system
> Propertes/General I would like to change the registered name.

1 -- /Start / Run / REGEDIT.EXE
2 -- / File / Export a backup copy of the Registry
as it is before you change anything
3 -- / Edit / Find to search for the unwanted name
with Keys and Values checked.
4. Each instance found can be highlighted a
right click then gives you the edit menu, where
you type in the name you want.

On exit this Registry is saved automatically.

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


Go here:
Click Utility on the left side, then "Change Registered Owner/Organization" on the
right side.

Direct link to the page:

Right-click the download link for the .vbs file and click Save Target As...., save
it on your destop, then run it and fill in the info you want.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"gdz" <> wrote in message
> rHow do I chane the computer registered name? When I go to c drive/system
> Propertes/General I would like to change the registered name.
> Thank You
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