Frequent BSOD/Crash



Lately, I've been experiencing frequent BSOD/Crash. I already cleaned up my system such as replacing new thermal paste to cpu and updated all drivers available but i'm still having the same result.

I've tried several tools to analyze mini dump file and here are the results i got.

This is the result from bluescreen view


Dump File : 031120-5413-01.dmp

Crash Time : 3/11/2020 12:34:56 PM

Bug Check String :

Bug Check Code : 0x00000124

Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000000

Parameter 2 : fffffa80`0937f028

Parameter 3 : 00000000`ba000000

Parameter 4 : 00000000`58000402

Caused By Driver : hal.dll

Caused By Address : hal.dll+129ef

File Description : Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL

Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

Company : Microsoft Corporation

File Version : 6.1.7601.24545 (win7sp1_ldr_escrow.200102-1707)

Processor : x64

Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+93ea0

Stack Address 1 :

Stack Address 2 :

Stack Address 3 :

Computer Name :

Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\031120-5413-01.dmp

Processors Count : 4

Major Version : 15

Minor Version : 7601

Dump File Size : 405,744

Dump File Time : 3/11/2020 12:35:52 PM


Result from debug diagnostic tool

Report for 031120-5413-01.dmp

Type of Analysis Performed Hang Analysis
Machine Name
Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Number Of Processors
Process ID 3074480
Process Image ntkrnlmp.exe
System Up-Time 01:00:09
Process Up-Time 00:00:00

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