how to set-up a dual boot with W10/64 ?


philippe cante


I had recent trouble with Outlook quick to run on an Asus gaming laptop (running W10/64 Insider program/latest build)

I contacted M.S support and they couldn't help (after Office repairt impossible to re-install!)

And MS specialists advised me to re-install windows.

I decided to re-install W10 with a partition image created and stored a few months ago. And I installed this W10 partition image on a second disk (SSD as well)

Bottom line; Now I boot on the second installation (e.g the partition newly installed)

The striking thing is that nowhere I could see and acces a partition selector (for a dual boot) : creating a valid diual boot was my goal

When I use a dedicated tool (Acronis disk image) I can see the 2 W10 partitions, and they both look valid. Can also be seen under Windows explorer

My question: In that case, how to initiate a dual boot under W10? A partition selector has gone missing...

Is is simply possible to do that, in the same way as it was easy to perform with W7 or 8 ?

Many thanks for your help


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