Why is everything about this so much worse than windows 7


I hate this OS

I want to preface all of this by saying that I've been an A+ certified IT technician, working in the field for the past decade, and I am beyond disappointed in windows 10. every machine ive serviced with it has its quirks, and as such i usually advised my clients to stick with 7, until this semi forced "upgrade"

Since you all discontinued support for 7 and metaphorically twisted my arm, I figured ok, ill upgrade. i cant really expect my clients to use an OS that i myself wont touch. surely it cant be as bad as I've heard.

Oh but it is. Right out of the gate i am confronted with stability issues galore. I was forced to reboot my computer more times in my first week of windows 10 than in the past year of running windows 7. Constant display issues, randomly dropping monitors and needing me to redetect them (again, something I never had to do with 7.)

cortana is a massively unnessecary resource hog, and you made it absurdly difficult to remove to the point that THREE TIMES I thought I'd actually done so only to realize you figured out some other method to sneak it on in there. and thats what it really all boils down to. youve become sneaky. everything is about trying to extort as much information and as many resources out of your customers as possible. you say youre gathering all of this info so you can make the OS better? then why is the OS still THIS terrible?

I could go on and on for pages with all of the issues i have with windows 10, but I'm sure all of the PR approved nothing responses i get would only frustrate me further. whatever, I'm upgrading back to windows 7 this weekend. id rather take the security risk if it means I get to have my computer back. if I wanted a downgrade in stability, functionality and compatibility i would have bought a mac.


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