Please Help! Nothing is working properly on my computer. Have been trying to fix it for months with no progress.




I have no idea what I did but my computer is really messed up now. The search function won't work, pictures won't open, avg won't work, and pretty much every other app I have won't work anymore. The only thing I can use the computer for is to get on the internet. It won't even show me what edition of windows I'm running now!!

It started out with just the search function by the start menu not working. I looked up some solutions, and one of them got me to turn some things off through the services tab in task manager.

Nothing that I've tried has seemed to work. IDK if my computer has been hacked or what is going on. After doing a lot of research, I think I may have stumbled upon a few things that may help.

1. My Environment Variables Path may be messed up. I posted a screenshot.

2. I ran a chekdsk that had a lot of errors and see a lot of things on my event viewer that I have no idea about. Posted screenshots.

3. I've noticed files that keep popping up on my desktop titled Desktop.ini . I have no idea if these are from me just trying to fix things or what but it says the owner is "administrators"? Screenshots below as well.

Lastly, I've made 2 previous posts but nothing from them worked. It may be goo to read them first to see what all I've tried.

Post 1: Windows Problem - Computer messed up and can't figure out whats wrong.

Post 2: Windows Problem - Computer really messed up

1. Here is the Environment Variables Screenshot.


2. Here are the errors from the Chkdsk in Event Viewer. I've shortened some things for personal information reasons.

Chkdsk was executed in scan mode on a volume snapshot.

Checking file system on C:

Volume label is Windows.

Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...

Found corrupt basic file structure for "{babc2b0a-9200-4dbc-9fcd-d2191e774927}.vdi <0x10d,0x50e4>"

... queued for offline repair.

Found corrupt basic file structure for "\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.ZuneVideo_10.19101.10711.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Resources\Fonts\SegMVR2.ttf <0x3,0x54e2>"

... queued for offline repair.

Found corrupt basic file structure for "\Windows\INF\SETUPA~1.LOG <0x12,0x1f531>"

... queued for offline repair.

Found corrupt basic file structure for "<0x19,0x23a70>"

... queued for offline repair.

3. Here are the weird files popping up on my desktop



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