KB4541509/KB4541505: MSIEXEC issues with installations to network drives




During performing regular updates of applications we have found out the following issue:

When KB4541509 or it's part: KB4541505 is installed, msiexec cannot proceed with installing files to a network drive mounted under a user. The operation fails with "Error 1315. Unable to write to the specified folder %Network drive path%.


- The disk was mounted with Administrative privileges
- The installer was launched with Administrative privileges

Also, we have confirmed that without those updates, the installation came without issues.

We have found a workaround, except removing the update (s) before an installation:
- You have to mount a network drive under SYSTEM user by using psexec utility


System: Windows Server 2012 R2

I haven't found a way how to easily report this degradation issue. I hope either someone knows what can be changed for fixing it or probably some Microsoft engineer will pay attention to it.

Best regards!

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