How Can I get 15 yrs of MSN mail copied?



Finally had the straw that forced me tothedark side... I was the first family member to say MS is just a big old bag of wind,,,, SICK and TIRED of Password not working after I reset it. Screw this ****..... I loathe Apple products but I decided cant be worse than Passwords not working, WIN updates not fully tested before implemented, Support is a total waste of time.

There is Myself, Wife, , 6 children and my mother in law...… ALL WILL BE CONVERTED to Apple Snobs and then Kiss Microsoft goodbye FOREVER.

I went to Apple store and checked out the products, Iwill admit I am notlooking forward spending thousands of dollarsjust for myself but this company is just like all the big businesses today that have got too big, self obsorbed and could careless about the people that have been around since 8088 processors and the first WIn OS.... Screw Then and screw all the other business that just don't care about its customers!!!!


Never again will any family member of mine own any Microsoft Product ever again. family is not toohappy but I am the persion that wokrs hard to get the items my family needs / wants and MICROSOFT has been nothing but a frustrating pain in the **** last 5- 8 yrs.

Word of mouth and social media is next stop on mylist......Need to wake up America and dump this bloated crappy company!!!!

No Ill will toany of its employees or its management. but I wouldn't piss on any upper lever mgmnt employuee ifthey were on fire and the life depended on my help!!!

BE Safe people and I can only hope everyone else wakes up and jumps of the ship cause its doomed like the titanic….

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