Cant join client to domain



ive spent 2 days dealing with this and feal defeated :( plz help thanks in advanced

Not sure where to begin but I'll start here

I have a windows 10 Pro machine (IP: is set to server ip ending in .6)) Uses wifi to get connection to internet

a server running windows server 2012 R2(

I'm trying to join W10 machine to server but always getting the error wrong username and password but I literally just changed the password to something easy for this purpose and still get the error. i used the same account to join a virtual machine to the server with no problems. but now an actual real physical machine wont join...

here is all the info i can give such as logs and output to commands from previous google searches


$>nltest /dsgetdc:GABEAPP


Address: \
Dom Guid: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Forest Name: GABEAPP.local
Dc Site Name: Default-First-Site-Name
Our Site Name: Default-First-Site-Name
The command completed successfully


$>net use \GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local\ipc$ /u:GABEAPP\'username' 'password'

The user name or password is incorrect. (no i didnt use "" as username, just used as placeholders)

output log generated in C:\Windows\debug\NetSetup.LOG

NOTE IN LOG 'unknown' is the actual username of the account. not an error or placeholder

03/24/2020 07:48:13:693 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:13:693 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABRIEL-PC' is valid as type 1 name
03/24/2020 07:48:13:694 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'GABRIEL-PC' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:13:694 NetpValidateName: name 'GABRIEL-PC' is valid for type 1
03/24/2020 07:48:13:698 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:13:698 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'Gabriel-PC' is valid as type 5 name
03/24/2020 07:48:13:698 NetpValidateName: name 'Gabriel-PC' is valid for type 5
03/24/2020 07:48:13:700 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:13:700 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABEAPP' is valid as type 3 name
03/24/2020 07:48:16:012 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'GABEAPP' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:16:012 NetpValidateName: name 'GABEAPP' is valid for type 3
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 NetpDoDomainJoin
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 NetpDoDomainJoin: using current computer names
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(NetBios) returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(DnsHostName) returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:781 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'GABRIEL-PC'
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 NetpJoinDomain
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 HostName: Gabriel-PC
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 NetbiosName: GABRIEL-PC
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 Domain: GABEAPP
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 Account: GABEAPP\unknown
03/24/2020 07:48:47:784 Options: 0x25
03/24/2020 07:48:47:788 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABEAPP' is valid as type 3 name
03/24/2020 07:48:47:843 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'GABEAPP' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:843 NetpValidateName: name 'GABEAPP' is valid for type 3
03/24/2020 07:48:47:843 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'GABEAPP', flags: 0x40001010
03/24/2020 07:48:47:907 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for 'GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local': 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:907 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local' in the specified domain
03/24/2020 07:48:47:907 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:907 NetpDisableIDNEncoding: using FQDN GABEAPP.local from dcinfo
03/24/2020 07:48:47:913 NetpDisableIDNEncoding: DnsDisableIdnEncoding(UNTILREBOOT) on 'GABEAPP.local' succeeded
03/24/2020 07:48:47:913 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDisableIDNEncoding returned: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:47:998 NetUseAdd to \GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local\IPC$ returned 1326
03/24/2020 07:48:47:998 Trying add to \GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local\IPC$ using NULL Session
03/24/2020 07:48:48:003 NullSession NetUseAdd to \GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local\IPC$ returned 5
03/24/2020 07:48:48:003 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of connecting to dc '\GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local': 0x5
03/24/2020 07:48:48:003 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x5
03/24/2020 07:48:48:011 NetpResetIDNEncoding: DnsDisableIdnEncoding(RESETALL) on 'GABEAPP.local' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:011 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpResetIDNEncoding on 'GABEAPP.local': 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:011 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x5
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 NetpDoDomainJoin
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 NetpDoDomainJoin: using current computer names
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(NetBios) returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(DnsHostName) returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:015 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'GABRIEL-PC'
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 NetpJoinDomain
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 HostName: Gabriel-PC
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 NetbiosName: GABRIEL-PC
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 Domain: GABEAPP
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 Account: GABEAPP\unknown
03/24/2020 07:48:48:018 Options: 0x27
03/24/2020 07:48:48:020 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABEAPP' is valid as type 3 name
03/24/2020 07:48:48:077 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'GABEAPP' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:077 NetpValidateName: name 'GABEAPP' is valid for type 3
03/24/2020 07:48:48:077 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'GABEAPP', flags: 0x40001010
03/24/2020 07:48:48:142 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for 'GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local': 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:142 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local' in the specified domain
03/24/2020 07:48:48:142 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:142 NetpDisableIDNEncoding: using FQDN GABEAPP.local from dcinfo
03/24/2020 07:48:48:148 NetpDisableIDNEncoding: DnsDisableIdnEncoding(UNTILREBOOT) on 'GABEAPP.local' succeeded
03/24/2020 07:48:48:148 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDisableIDNEncoding returned: 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:212 NetUseAdd to \GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local\IPC$ returned 1326
03/24/2020 07:48:48:212 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of connecting to dc '\GabeappServer.GABEAPP.local': 0x52e
03/24/2020 07:48:48:212 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x52e
03/24/2020 07:48:48:219 NetpResetIDNEncoding: DnsDisableIdnEncoding(RESETALL) on 'GABEAPP.local' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:219 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpResetIDNEncoding on 'GABEAPP.local': 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:48:219 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x52e
03/24/2020 07:48:54:037 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:54:038 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABRIEL-PC' is valid as type 1 name
03/24/2020 07:48:54:038 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'GABRIEL-PC' [MACHINE] returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:54:038 NetpValidateName: name 'GABRIEL-PC' is valid for type 1
03/24/2020 07:48:54:043 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:54:043 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'Gabriel-PC' is valid as type 5 name
03/24/2020 07:48:54:043 NetpValidateName: name 'Gabriel-PC' is valid for type 5
03/24/2020 07:48:54:045 -----------------------------------------------------------------
03/24/2020 07:48:54:045 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'GABEAPP' is valid as type 3 name
03/24/2020 07:48:54:101 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'GABEAPP' returned 0x0
03/24/2020 07:48:54:101 NetpValidateName: name 'GABEAPP' is valid for type 3

Thank you in advance.

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