I found a VERY useful thread from cniggeler with a script by Frederik Long - hoping they'll get tagged here somehow, since I can't ping either of them directly; the script is below. I ran it successfully, but it found nothing. I've got a keyboard shortcut for Alt + Shift + T on one of my laptops that is pulling up some screen-shot tool that I've never used before instead of the menu access for a different software that works on every other device I use.
So, does the script below work for any keyboard shortcut combo or is there some reference to the OP's Ctrl+Alt+U hotkey shortcut?
More simply, anyone have any idea what screen-shot snipping tool is using Alt+Shift+T? I've googled it to frustration, hence this question.
Thanks for any helpful guidance.
'Recursively find the Ctrl+Alt+U hotkey
'6 Sep 2019 FNL
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
sStart = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%\Desktop")
bFound = False
Process sStart
If Not bFound Then MsgBox "Sorry, no shortcut found containing this hotkey", 48
Sub Process(sFolder)
For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Files
If LCase(Right(oFile.Name, 4)) = ".lnk" Then
Set oLink = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oFile.Path)
sData = oLink.Read(70)
If Mid(sData, 65,1) = Chr(85) And Mid(sData, 66,1) = Chr(6) Then
MsgBox oFile.Path, 64, "Shortcut finder"
bFound = True
End If
End if
For Each oFldr In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).SubFolders
Process oFldr.Path
End Sub
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I found a VERY useful thread from cniggeler with a script by Frederik Long - hoping they'll get tagged here somehow, since I can't ping either of them directly; the script is below. I ran it successfully, but it found nothing. I've got a keyboard shortcut for Alt + Shift + T on one of my laptops that is pulling up some screen-shot tool that I've never used before instead of the menu access for a different software that works on every other device I use.
So, does the script below work for any keyboard shortcut combo or is there some reference to the OP's Ctrl+Alt+U hotkey shortcut?
More simply, anyone have any idea what screen-shot snipping tool is using Alt+Shift+T? I've googled it to frustration, hence this question.
Thanks for any helpful guidance.
'Recursively find the Ctrl+Alt+U hotkey
'6 Sep 2019 FNL
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
sStart = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%\Desktop")
bFound = False
Process sStart
If Not bFound Then MsgBox "Sorry, no shortcut found containing this hotkey", 48
Sub Process(sFolder)
For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Files
If LCase(Right(oFile.Name, 4)) = ".lnk" Then
Set oLink = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oFile.Path)
sData = oLink.Read(70)
If Mid(sData, 65,1) = Chr(85) And Mid(sData, 66,1) = Chr(6) Then
MsgBox oFile.Path, 64, "Shortcut finder"
bFound = True
End If
End if
For Each oFldr In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).SubFolders
Process oFldr.Path
End Sub
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