Error Code 0xc00000f



My computer failed to boot up this morning, giving me an Error Code: 0xc00000f

I downloaded Windows 10 installation files onto a flash drive, as instructed, and used that to reinstall Windows 10.

Now, I was following a tutorial that instructed me to go to the command prompt window before going through installation.

None of the commands were explained, so I don't really know what they mean, but here's the commands I used that were completed successfully:

X:\Windows|System32>Bootrec /fixmbr
The operation completed successfully.

X:\Windows\System32>bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
The operation completed successfully.

Now, here the commands that gave me a failed response:

X:\Windows\System32>attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
Path not found - C:\boot

X:\Windows\System32>ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
The system cannot find the file specified.

After that, I proceeded with the instructions to see what would happen:

X:\Windows\System32>bootrec /rebuildbcd
Scanning all disks for Windows installations.

Please wait, since this may take a while...

Successfully scanned Windows installations.
Total identified Windows installations: 0
The operation completed successfully.

What do these things mean? Does it matter if those two commands failed? Does any of this matter, or should I just run installation as it initially instructed? I just need to get my computer up and running again so I can continue with my freelance work, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

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