Windows 10 Desktop PC - Browsers all suffering bugs, failing



Hi, I'm operating a Desktop PC with Windows 10. Shortly after an automatic update a couple of months ago, Google Chrome stopped working - the window would open with all graphics completely blank, including not just the content of web pages but menu buttons, etc. leaving the browser unusable and impossible to troubleshoot. After attempting to reinstall, I simply left it uninstalled when this failed, and transferred to Mozilla Firefox as my primary browser.

My PC automatically updated during a restart about 3 days ago, and after two days without incident, tonight all three of the other browsers have stopped functioning as well. Firefox started suffering minor graphics display problems - pages would load, but embedded images would fail to load. Shortly after this, the browser simply stopped loading web pages. Upon entering any url or clicking any link on the Firefox start page, the browser simply doesn't respond to these commands, leaving me on a blank tab. No error messages, no attempt to load, simply unresponsive.

I never use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, the other two browsers on my PC, but when attempting to open them tonight, they display an error message and fail to load any page. Internet Explorer shows these messages: "There was a temporary DNS error. Try refreshing the page." (refreshing the page does not work), and "Error Code: INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND". Microsoft Edge offers no hint.

I am currently posting this via an older laptop, which is not having these issues. Though there is working wi-fi in my house, and my desktop registers as connected to the internet (Troubleshooting finds no problems), the internet is functionally inaccessible on that computer via any browser. I assume the simultaneous failure of Firefox, Explorer and Edge is not a coincidence, whether or not it is related to the previous failure of Chrome. Does anybody know the cause of this particular problem, and hopefully know a fix? I have tried rebooting my PC, as well as the "Firefox refresh" offered in the browser's help menu. I hesitate to uninstall any of these current browsers, as I have no backup browsers through which to reinstall.

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