Win10 1909 As of APRIL 2020, Downloads folder grouping STILL a BUG!




Skip to tl;dr if you don't want to read the rant at MS, though most of this post is just a big rant.

I updated to 1909 recently from 1809, as I saw 200x was going to be released soon, I tend to wait at the back of the line to make sure any bugs have been fully dealt with, and after updating I INSTANTLY Regret my decision, I use the downloads folder as my daily ins-and-outs folder (to keep my desktop clean) and, after some research, I found what I am dubbing The 'Grouping Bug' is just another monumental f***up by Microsoft,

And yes, I'm calling it monumental, as it is once again an update that is messing with people's settings, which should NOT be the norm, Microsoft.
Its like going into someone's workspace, to their desk, Changing the chair setup, flipping the mouse and keyboard over, moving all the sorted documents around the desk randomly, flipping the screens and disconnecting them from your PC, its just like a prank, yes, ok haha, once is funny, but when you do it Every goddamn time they leave their desk, don't be surprised if they start hating you!


Back to the Matter at hand, When is this BUG going to be Fixed? I have found Numerous Articles about the Downloads folder Grouping Bug since version 1903, and numerous responses by Microsoft saying the bug will be fixed, yet, almost a YEAR later, the 1909 update still no fix to a USER affecting bug?!

If someone replies with 'Oh just go to setting, click Group By: None, and it's fixed!' I swear there will be another Murderer in this world.... I have done as many settings changes as I am able.
I've done the Group By -> None, Reverts after a short time
I've done Apply to all Folders, Instantly reverts the folder to group view

I've done Regedits, I've used Powershell to the knowledge I have managed to scrape together, NOTHING I've done makes the settings stick permanently. It always reverts, whether after a short time or a reboot, it always reverts.

TL;DR End.

And this isn't just a 'Oh, Microsoft doesn't care about home users', or 'It must be your own PC's fault' shtick, I have the problem on my Win10 Enterprise Work Laptop, I have the problem on my Microsoft Surface 7 Pro, my family have been asking me to help them fix it on their Laptops and PCs, and I can't give them an answer!

I'm basically not asking for Someone to come along and give me a temporary fix, I'm asking Microsoft directly 2 easy answer Questions:
Can I hope this bug, along with many others I'm sure are known to you, is fixed soon in the 200x update?
And If not:
Is there any Plan for SOMEONE in the Windows Development team to even SAY: 'OK instead of adding this Feature people may or may not use to the next update, maybe we should work on a few bugs'?

I have been a fan of Windows and Microsoft Products for a long time, but Seriously, even the most avid fans can lose all hope.

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