Restoring files from file history after having restored a system image?



My system wasn't working right so I restored it from a complete system image taken on March 31 (It's now April 11).

The restore went smoothly and everything is working well again. However, I had numerous updated documents since the system backup on March 31.

When I try to restore them from file history, I can't navigate past March 31. When I've searched for a way to do this, all the answers seem to suggest you just select the same drive in the file history settings in control panel.

However, in said settings, it shows that "Copy files to:" lists the network location I had set file history to. I've turned it off for now for fear that a new backup might make me lose everything backed up since March 31. When I click on Select drive under Available drives it shows the same network location. If I click on it is says "This File History drive was already used." and underneath shows several username and computer names that have backups, including this computer, where Last back-up date is correctly 2020-04-10 (this is a Windows server where I have daily system backups and also the file history backups).

I can also "Add network location" select the same location again but nothing changes when I do this.

I still can't see any of the backups past March 31, the date of the image I restored.

Does anyone know how I can get file restore to see the newer backups?

I can always get the files from an other image backup made prior to the restore, but I'd like to figure out how to do this with file history as I have another computer where that is currently my only backup.


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