Stopping optimization



Dear Microsoft,

I have been switching back and forth between Linux ( Ubuntu ) and you guys, so anyway I decided to stay with Windows 10. As a user I am actually very happy with it. But mother of all that is good and holy, what exactly are you doing with storage spaces ? I have decided to create a storage pool, to balance home videos etc. I was very happy with it. Now it has been stuck at 99% optimizing for 9-10 hours, and I made the dreadful mistake of clicking stop optimization. Now I am stuck at stopping optimization. As a IT professional, it is frustrating but I can live with it. BUT what happens if my storage pool needs rebalancing again ?????? I tried restarting computer, unplugging external HDD's, renaming the pool, obviously anything to change that dreadful state of :

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-storagejob

Name IsBackgroundTask ElapsedTime JobState PercentComplete BytesProcessed BytesTotal

---- ---------------- ----------- -------- --------------- -------------- ----------

Stupid storage pool-Rebalance True 4006.13:12:48 Shutting Down 0 0 B 256 MB

I googled and followed most of the advice I have read, stop by uniqueid etc. Nothing works. Are you serious ? a 100 billion dollar company and ou cannot find a way to stop a running process ( different kill levels, stop force, immed kill etc ??? ). Where is the system log ? Event viewer shows me :

The capacity consumption of the storage pool {beb3541b-cbd3-4ec6-98c6-9f50564ea3dc} is now below the threshold limit set on the pool. Return Code: STATUS_SUCCESS

The capacity consumption of the storage pool {beb3541b-cbd3-4ec6-98c6-9f50564ea3dc} has exceeded the threshold limit set on the pool. Return Code: STATUS_SUCCESS

Storage Spaces status has changed

I do NOT have the time and patience to move all my data AGAIN , delete the storage pool and recreate it ( God knows why I would ever trust Microsoft with anything other than email and web browsing ).

So, please. Tell me, how do i force stop this job ?

Dragos Gheorghe

PS C:\Windows\system32> stop-storagejob -uniqueid "{beb3541b-cbd3-4ec7-98c6-9f50564ea3dc}"

stop-storagejob : Unspecified error

At line:1 char:1

+ stop-storagejob -uniqueid "{beb3541b-cbd3-4ec7-98c6-9f50564ea3dc}"

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (MSFT_StorageJob...crosoft/Win...):ROOT/Microsoft/...MSFT_StorageJob) [Sto

p-StorageJob], CimException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80004005,Stop-StorageJob

PS C:\Windows\system32>

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