ntp sync issue


Surendra Kumar V


We are Using Windows Server 2012 R2 as a NTP Server. One of the Client Automatically Jumping time to 5 Mins Randomly.

We tried to Troubleshoot the Issue W32tm Register and Unregister in the Client. Checked the Communication between the Client and Server

find the Debugging Log.

1153138 14:12:21.7510000s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 14:12:21.7510000s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 3599.998s

153138 14:13:12.8889249s - RPC Caller is LIMSDB\Administrator (S-1-5-21-2454244716-1351188227-1989868007-500)

153138 14:13:12.8889249s - RPC Call Attribute is local=1, kernel=0, session=0, authentication=6, protocol=2, OpNum=6

153138 14:13:12.8899250s - RPC Call - Query Status

153138 14:29:25.7515695s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 14:29:25.7515695s - Sample Prepared at 132311753657515695 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123)

153138 14:29:25.7515695s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 14:46:29.7521390s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 14:46:29.7521390s - Sample Prepared at 132311763897521390 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123)

153138 14:46:29.7521390s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 15:03:33.7527085s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 15:03:33.7527085s - Sample Prepared at 132311774137527085 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:03:33.7527085s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 15:12:21.7499082s - PeerPollingThread: WaitTimeout

153138 15:12:21.7499082s - Polling peer
ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:12:21.7499082s - Peer poll: Max:3600.0000000s (special) Cur:00.0000000s

153138 15:12:21.7499082s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 3600.000s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - ListeningThread -- DataAvailEvent set for socket 1 (

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - ListeningThread -- response heard from 192.168.250:123 <-

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - /-- NTP Packet:

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | LeapIndicator: 0 - no warning; VersionNumber: 3; Mode: 4 - Server; LiVnMode: 0x1C

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | Stratum: 3 - secondary reference (syncd by (S)NTP)

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | Poll Interval: 10 - 1024s; Precision: -6 - 15.625ms per tick

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | RootDelay: 0x0000.388As - 0.220856s; RootDispersion: 0x0000.1901s - 0.0976715s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | ReferenceClockIdentifier: 0x6786FC0B - source IP:

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | ReferenceTimestamp: 0xE23DABFAAD46F8E2 - 13231177338676864200ns - 153138 15:02:18.6768642s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | OriginateTimestamp: 0xE23DAE55BFF9FBDA - 13231177941749908200ns - 153138 15:12:21.7499082s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | ReceiveTimestamp: 0xE23DAE55B15F8C57 - 13231177941692864200ns - 153138 15:12:21.6928642s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - | TransmitTimestamp: 0xE23DAE55B15F8C57 - 13231177941692864200ns - 153138 15:12:21.6928642s

153138 15:12:21.7509082s - >-- Non-packet info:

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - | DestinationTimestamp: 153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 0xE23DAE55C03B8511153138 15:12:21.7519083s - - 13231177941750908200ns153138 15:12:21.7519083s - - 153138 15:12:21.7509082s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - | RoundtripDelay: 1000000ns (0s)

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - | LocalClockOffset: -57544000ns - 0:00.057544000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - \--

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - ListeningThread STC:4925400

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - Peer poll: Max:3600.0000000s (special) Cur:3599.9979999s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - Response from peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123), ofs: -00.0575440s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 5 Age:5 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.1667628s Dst:16.1667628s FDsp:08.0000000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 4 Age:4 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.1667628s Dst:16.1667628s FDsp:12.0000000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 3 Age:3 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.1667628s Dst:16.1667628s FDsp:14.0000000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 2 Age:2 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.1667628s Dst:16.1667628s FDsp:15.0000000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 1 Age:1 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.1667628s Dst:16.1667628s FDsp:15.5000000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - 0 Age:0 Ofs:-00.0575440s Dly:+00.0312500s RDly:+00.2208557s Dsp:00.0312251s RDsp:00.0976715s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:00.0468501s FDsp:07.7500000s

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - W32TmServiceMain: resync req, irreg now pending.

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting i0.000s (496.000s)

153138 15:12:21.7519083s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - Sample Prepared at 132311779417529083 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - NtpClient returned 1 samples.

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - Sample 0 offset:-00.0575440s delay:+00.2521057s dispersion:07.8788966s

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - Intersection successful with 0 dropped samples.

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - 0: Sample:0 SyncDist:560049494 SelectDisp:0

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - Sample 0 chosen. Select Dispersion:00.0000000s STC:4925400

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - ClockDispln Update: LastUTC:4925400 SO:-575440 KPhO:0 PhO:-575440 uT:230768 SD:78637573 LI:0 S:4 RDl:2521057 RDs:78888966 TSF:0x0 Unset->Hold

153138 15:12:21.7529083s - ClockDispln Discipline: *SKEW*TIME* - PhCRR:-19 CR:156001 PhCR:19 UI:30000 phcT:230768 KPhO:-575440

153138 15:12:21.7539082s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 15:15:57.4203394s - W32TmServiceMain: Group Policy Update

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - W32TmServiceMain: Param change notification

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: Found provider 'NtpClient':

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: 'Enabled'=0x00000001

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4213393s - ReadConfig: 'InputProvider'=0x00000001

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: Found provider 'NtpServer':

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'Enabled'=0x00000000

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'InputProvider'=0x00000000

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: Found provider 'VMICTimeProvider':

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'Enabled'=0x00000001

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='%SystemRoot%\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'DllName'='C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll'

153138 15:15:57.4223392s - ReadConfig: 'InputProvider'=0x00000001

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig (policy): Found provider 'NtpClient':

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig (policy): 'Enabled'=0x00000001

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'PhaseCorrectRate'=0x00000001 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'UpdateInterval'=0x00007530 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'FrequencyCorrectRate'=0x00000004 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'PollAdjustFactor'=0x00000005 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'LargePhaseOffset'=0x02FAF080 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'SpikeWatchPeriod'=0x00000384 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4233391s - ReadConfig: 'HoldPeriod'=0x00000005 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'MinPollInterval'=0x0000000A (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'MaxPollInterval'=0x0000000F (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'AnnounceFlags'=0x0000000A (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'LocalClockDispersion'=0x0000000A (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'MaxNegPhaseCorrection'=0xFFFFFFFF (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'MaxPosPhaseCorrection'=0xFFFFFFFF (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'EventLogFlags'=0x00000002 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'MaxAllowedPhaseOffset'=0x0000012C (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - ReadConfig: 'TimeJumpAuditOffset'=0x00007080 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - No params changed for local clock.

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - /--TimeProvider: new enabled provider list

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - | Name:NtpClient, Started:0, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - | Name:VMICTimeProvider, Started:0, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - >--

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - | Total:2, Input: 2, Marked: 0

153138 15:15:57.4243390s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - /--TimeProvider: Parameter change before list is updated

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Name:NtpClient, Started:1, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Name:VMICTimeProvider, Started:1, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - >--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Total:2, Input: 2, Marked: 0

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - /--TimeProvider: new disabled provider list

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Name:NtpServer, Started:0, Input:0, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - >--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Total:1, Input: 0, Marked: 0

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - /--TimeProvider: Parameter change before list is updated

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Name:NtpServer, Started:0, Input:0, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - >--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - | Total:1, Input: 0, Marked: 0

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4253389s - TimeProvCommand([NtpClient], TPC_UpdateConfig) called.

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'AllowNonstandardModeCombinations'=0x00000001 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'CompatibilityFlags'=0x80000000 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'SpecialPollInterval'=0x00000E10 (3)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes'=0x0000000F (3)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes'=0x00000007 (3)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'EventLogFlags'=0x00000000 (3)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'LargeSampleSkew'=0x00000003 (2)

153138 15:15:57.4263388s - ReadConfig: 'Type'=NTP (3)

153138 15:15:57.4273387s - ReadConfig: 'NtpServer'=ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (3)

153138 15:15:57.4273387s - ReadConfig: 'ManualPeerList'(parsed)='ADC.SNL.com,0x9'

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - Reachability: removing peer ADC.SNL.com,0x1 (ntp.m|0x1|>192.168.250:123). LAST PEER IN GROUP!

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - AddNewPendingPeer: manual

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - ManualPeerListUpdate: add:1 del:1 noch:0

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - StartListeningThread completed!

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 0.000s

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - PeerPollingThread: WaitTimeout

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - Resolving manual peer: ADC.SNL.com,0x9

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - StartPeerPollingThread completed!

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - PeerPollingThread: PeerListUpdated

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - PeerPollingThread: waiting forever

153138 15:15:57.4283386s - Provider list: 0 stopped, 0 started, 2 not changed.

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - /--TimeProvider: Parameter change after list is updated

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - | Name:NtpClient, Started:1, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - | Name:VMICTimeProvider, Started:1, Input:1, Marked:0, RefCount:0, DllName:C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - >--

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - | Total:2, Input: 2, Marked: 0

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4293385s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 808.332s

153138 15:15:57.4403374s - Create new peer associations: #1

153138 15:15:57.4403374s - Association: (Local) => 192.168.250:123 (Remote)

153138 15:15:57.4403374s - Created reachability group: (

153138 15:15:57.4403374s - 192.168.250:123,

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - )

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - PollIntervalChange(): clear: host 0 = max 17

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 0.000s

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - PeerPollingThread: WaitTimeout

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - Reachability: Attempting to contact peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123).

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - Polling peer
ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - Sending packet to ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123) in Win2K detect mode, stage 1.

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - PollIntervalChange(ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)): reclamp: 17 -> 10 (min=4, max=17, sys=10)

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - Peer poll: Max:3600.0000000s (special) Cur:00.0000000s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 3600.000s

153138 15:15:57.4413373s - PeerPollingThread: PeerListUpdated

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 3600.000s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - ListeningThread -- DataAvailEvent set for socket 1 (

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - ListeningThread -- response heard from 192.168.250:123 <-

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - /-- NTP Packet:

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | LeapIndicator: 0 - no warning; VersionNumber: 3; Mode: 4 - Server; LiVnMode: 0x1C

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | Stratum: 3 - secondary reference (syncd by (S)NTP)

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | Poll Interval: 17 - out of valid range; Precision: -6 - 15.625ms per tick

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | RootDelay: 0x0000.388As - 0.220856s; RootDispersion: 0x0000.19A4s - 0.100159s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | ReferenceClockIdentifier: 0x6786FC0B - source IP:

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | ReferenceTimestamp: 0xE23DABFAAC9B1C50 - 13231177338674241800ns - 153138 15:02:18.6742418s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | OriginateTimestamp: 0xE23DAF2D70FB7B36 - 13231178157441337300ns - 153138 15:15:57.4413373s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | ReceiveTimestamp: 0xE23DAF2D68C41213 - 13231178157409241800ns - 153138 15:15:57.4092418s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | TransmitTimestamp: 0xE23DAF2D68C41213 - 13231178157409241800ns - 153138 15:15:57.4092418s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - >-- Non-packet info:

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | DestinationTimestamp: 153138 15:15:57.4423372s - 0xE23DAF2D713D02BF153138 15:15:57.4423372s - - 13231178157442337200ns153138 15:15:57.4423372s - - 153138 15:15:57.4423372s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | RoundtripDelay: 999900ns (0s)

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - | LocalClockOffset: -32595400ns - 0:00.032595400s

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - \--

153138 15:15:57.4423372s - ListeningThread STC:4939228

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - Peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123) is not Win2K. Setting compat flags.

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - PollIntervalChange(ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)): peer receive: 0 -> 17

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - Peer poll: Max:3600.0000000s (special) Cur:3599.9980002s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - Response from peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123), ofs: -00.0325954s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 5 Age:5 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:16.0000000s FDsp:08.0000000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 4 Age:4 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:16.0000000s FDsp:12.0000000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 3 Age:3 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:16.0000000s FDsp:14.0000000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 2 Age:2 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:16.0000000s FDsp:15.0000000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 1 Age:1 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:16.0000000s FDsp:15.5000000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - 0 Age:0 Ofs:-00.0325954s Dly:+00.0312500s RDly:+00.2208557s Dsp:00.0312251s RDsp:00.1001587s Pnt:00.0000000s Dst:00.0468501s FDsp:07.7500000s

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - Reachability: peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123) is reachable.

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - W32TmServiceMain: resync req, irreg now pending.

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting i0.000s (808.318s)

153138 15:15:57.4433371s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - Sample Prepared at 132311781574443370 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - NtpClient returned 1 samples.

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - Sample 0 offset:-00.0325954s delay:+00.2521057s dispersion:07.8813838s

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - Intersection successful with 0 dropped samples.

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - 0: Sample:0 SyncDist:560074366 SelectDisp:0

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - Sample 0 chosen. Select Dispersion:00.0000000s STC:4939228

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - ClockDispln Update: LastUTC:4939228 SO:-63222 KPhO:-312708 PhO:249486 uT:13828 FllPPE:249486 PllPPE:249486 FllPPrE:124743 PllPPrE:124743 sysPollTicks:65640 FllDown:65640 PllUp:13828 PllDown:525120 FllRA:0 PllRA:0 RA:0 CR:156001 nT:0 RAPhO:0 SD:78692074 (i) LI:0 S:4 RDl:2521057 RDs:78913838 TSF:0x0 Hold(0)

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - ClockDispln Discipline: *SKEW*TIME* - PhCRR:-2 CR:156001 PhCR:2 UI:30000 phcT:13828 KPhO:-63222

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - Logging information: The time service is now synchronizing the system time with the time source ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123).

153138 15:15:57.4443370s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 808.317s

153138 15:22:53.7653370s - RPC Caller is
SNL\administrator (S-1-5-21-360363516-3560469023-3382458245-500)

153138 15:22:53.7653370s - RPC Call Attribute is local=1, kernel=0, session=0, authentication=6, protocol=2, OpNum=3

153138 15:22:53.7653370s - RPC Call - Query Source

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - Sample Prepared at 132311789657153370 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - NtpClient returned 1 samples.

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - Sample 0 offset:-00.0325954s delay:+00.2521057s dispersion:07.8907387s

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - Intersection successful with 0 dropped samples.

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - 0: Sample:0 SyncDist:560167915 SelectDisp:0

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - Sample 0 chosen. Select Dispersion:00.0000000s STC:4939228

153138 15:29:25.7153370s - ClockDispln Update: *STALE*(NextSTC=4939228 <= LastUTC=4939228) Hold(1)

153138 15:29:25.7163370s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - W32TmServiceMain: timeout

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - Sample Prepared at 132311799896583370 for peer ADC.SNL.com,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>192.168.250:123)

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - NtpClient returned 1 samples.

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - Sample 0 offset:-00.0325954s delay:+00.2521057s dispersion:07.9025899s

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - Intersection successful with 0 dropped samples.

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - 0: Sample:0 SyncDist:560286427 SelectDisp:0

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - Sample 0 chosen. Select Dispersion:00.0000000s STC:4939228

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - ClockDispln Update: *STALE*(NextSTC=4939228 <= LastUTC=4939228) Hold(2)

153138 15:46:29.6583370s - W32TmServiceMain: waiting 1024.000s

Thanks in Advance.



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