Windows could not automatically detect this network's proxy settings - After Power Outage


Roger Steven_619

A little background on the situation. Home Network 6 computers all Windows 10 a couple android phones, Solar System Connection to LAN and WAN, Pool Connection to LAN and WAN. Cox Cable ISP, Motorola Cable Modem, ASUS RT-AC5300 latest Firmware, computers are connected wired. Everything was working great until the night before last when there was a power outage. Now on all computers they often cannot connect to Internet though eventually they can by trying a bunch of things. When I troubleshoot using the Windows Network Diagnostics I get the problems found dialog box with the msg. "windows could not automatically detect this network's proxy settings." The issue exists on all of the computers where before there were no problems. I still have network connectivity and can reach a NAS Drive on all of the computers. I have also noted that the Solar Panels are still talking to their manufacture because I can go online and see the activity. Pool controls still functioning as well. I also have a work computer W10 that VPN's into a National network that does not seem to have any issues.

I've tried the easy items like making sure each computer is automatically picking up their proxy automatically and manual is turned off. I've restarted the modem and Router as well as computers several times giving the modem time to start before the router or switches. I can ping the router >1ms nothing lost. Ran the network adapter troubleshooter. Checked the internet protocol Ipv4 and Ipv6 to obtain IP address automatically as well as DNS Server Automatically. Network reset.

I've cleared the IP state with the DOS commands

netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

ipconfig /flushdns

Any additional tips would be greatly appreciated.

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