Constant Blue Screens for Months (Kernel-Power, System_Service_Exception, WHEA_Uncorrectable_Error)




First of all I'm not the most tech-savvy and my memory isn't the best so my post will be lacking in details. It may not have enough for you to make a definite diagnosis and recommendation, so I just want to put this out there so you can ask me the questions you need to ask to point us in the right direction.

I've been getting a lot of BSODs on my Dell XPS 8910 that is about 3 years old. I had never opened it up or changed a thing inside before I started getting them randomly about a year ago. All this history might be irrelevant but in my mind, the more info the better, so here:

I don't remember exactly the error code was in the beginning, or whether I started getting them after any Windows/driver updates. But what I can remember is it was a lot of Kernel-Power Event ID 141 errors when I checked it in the Windows Event log. There were also System_Service_Exception errors. I updated drivers, updated BIOS, reinstalled Windows, and did every simple thing I could do but nothing worked. Trying to update Windows actually made it worse because there was a Windows update that couldn't install no matter how much or what method I tried, it would trigger BSODs when it tried to install. They got more and more frequent to the point that they were happening within 5 minutes of booting the computer, even if I didn't use the computer. Then I tried to use a Windows recovery media to reinstall Windows and repair startup, but that just made it worse. The BSODs would happen while the windows installation was happening or while booting to the WIndows installation media, and then it would become an endless cycle of booting, freezing, BSOD, reboot, freeze, BSOD, etc. and I couldn't boot at all.

So I took it to a repair service near me and they struggled but eventually were able to boot to a USB drive they had and perform a complete system reset. They did a full hardware scan along with it and found nothing wrong. That took care of the problem and I had no more BSODs until recently. In the past month I've been getting pretty much the same BSODs as before. I again made sure all device drivers are updated and Windows is completely updated.

A lot of them were Kernel-Power errors and that might mean a faulty power supply so I bought a brand new power supply to test that theory. That didn't work one bit. I also got SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION NTFS.sys errors so I thought it might be a bad hard drive. Just today I replaced it with an old hard drive that I know is perfectly fine, but because I don't know what I'm doing, when I booted up the PC it said no bootable device found. I adjusted the BIOS settings to boot to the HDD but it said no operating system found. So I created a Windows installation media from another PC and booted up to that. It seemed to work, but in the process of installing Windows from that I got a WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE error and BSOD. Now I get the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE error every time I try to boot to my installation media.

I'm at a dead end and don't know what to do. It's definitely not the power supply, and I don't think it's the HDD either because I'm still getting BSODs with a different HDD. Is it the CPU? Is my computer trash? I'm worried I might have done something bad to it by messing around with it trying to fix it.

I can try to go back to the original HDD to get a minidump file to post it (racing the impending BSOD), if you need it. I'm just scared of the possibility that it won't boot at all.

My specs are the normal Dell XPS 8910 specs, the one with the Intel i7-6700 and GTX 750Ti graphics card. I have never overclocked anything or changed components until the power supply this past month (I put the old one back in today, going to return the brand new one) and now the HDD.

Thanks for your patience in reading my long-winded story. As I said it's lacking in details so I'm anticipating being asked a bunch of really basic questions and slamming my head against the wall for not including those details in the post. I apologize in advance. So please, ask away...

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