If you undo the creation of a folder, what happens to files that were in it?



Sorry this is kind of an emergency.

I accidentally undid (ctrl+z) the creation of a folder than had an important Word file in it that I had been working on. When that folder's creation was undone, it took the file I had been working on with it, and now I cannot find a trace of the folder or the file. The closest thing I have is when I open Word, I can click the file name from the Recent Documents list, but it fails to open because it says the Directory Name is invalid, which makes sense because the folder it was in is gone.

Even worse, I have made edits in Explorer since undoing it, so I cannot "redo" to place that folder back (I didn't know what I had done for a few days). I have no idea where the folder could have gone, it seems like it poofed out of existence. Is this true?

If the folder is gone, how was it able to take my file with it?

• I checked my recycle bin, the folder or file didn't end up there.

• I don't think I have Word autosave backup working, so there are no separate recovery files that exist it seems.

• Explorer "File History" where that folder is yields nothing; it has always been turned off.

If it's actually gone forever, there NEEDS to be a warning in place when you try to Undo a folder that says "hey you're about to undo a folder that is now carrying new content. We need to place this content somewhere else before undoing it."

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