Somting whit the DnS servers



hello evry1 i have somme trouble white my internet conection or mor to say white my dns server conection. so about A month or 2 ago i had a error i had no acces to the inther . so i put another dsn IPV4 and IPV6 ip adres in IPV4: and the IPV6:2606:4700:4700::1111/

2606:4700:4700::1001 and then i had the status i was conected so evrthink wa okey. but then a week ago i had sommtruble in a game that my conection was falling awey so i checked the status of my IPV4 and IPV6 conection and is was okey . then i restarded the modem An router but nothing helps more now my brother has also no internet on his xbox 1 but i can steel watch youtube an netflix but i cant coenct to steam discord etz so i tested an site IPV4 and IPV6 to check it Your router or firewall is filtering ICMPv6 messages sent to your computer. An IPv6 host that cannot receive ICMP messages may encounter problems like some web pages loading partially or not at all. but the thing is that i also have a develo thats internet going trhou the netword i can link i site what a develo is i dont know how to say it in inglis and that an other IP then my router so my by its somitinh whit that but my pc is directly conected whit my moden so i hope somm1 can help me caus i have some school work to tho now at home white the corona virus

sory for my bad leaque but englis isent my mother leaque

it aslo says that my pc is corecty gofiquerd but that the bron dns servers are not responding

stay safe Abe

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