PrintDlg function fails



I have a print.C which on compilation results in print.exe.

This exe invokes the Windows Printer Dialog Box when PrintDlg function
is being called.
Before calling PrintDlg function,
pd.hDevMode and pd.hDevNames are set to NULL.

pd.hDevMode = NULL
pd.hDevNames = NULL

Other members of PRINTDLG pd structure variable are set as follows

pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG)
pd.hwndOwner = hWnd

I have set the PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag as I dont want to see the Printer
Dialog Box Window.

After setting these values, PrintDlg function is called as
if(!PrintDlg(&pd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "><Print Setup was cancelled.\n")
sprintf(debug_log, "\n 244: printSetup was cancelled")
debugmsg(debug_log, __LINE__)

When PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag is set, PrintDlg(&pd) function call sets
the pd.hDevMode and pd.hDevNames to Non NULL values( namely handle to
global memory object containing DEVMODE and DEVNAMES structures ) . So
now following check passes

if (pd.hDevNames == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "><Print Setup failed.\n")
sprintf(debug_log, "\n 251: printSetup failed") debugmsg(debug_log,

Later on some formatting of the lines( to be printed ) is done, where
non null values of pd.hDevMode and pd.hDevNames are required.

The code works fine in this case.

NOW, I wanted to reuse the same file for some different kind of

So I copied the file print.C to formatPrint.C which on building
results in formatPrint,exe

Here also I want to set the PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag as I dont want to
see the PrintDialog box window.

pd.hDevMode and pd.hDevNames are again set to NULL.
Other values also remain the same.

But here PrintDlg(&pd) function doesn't result in setting of
pd.hDevMode and pd.hDevNames to non null values.
As a result the above check fails and ExitProcess is called and I am
not able to proceed further with my formatting.

To Troubleshoot it further I had called CommDlgExtendedError() to get
the error code.
The error code returned was PDERR_NODEFAULTPRN which is set when no
default printer is found.

But the question here is when the source code is the same, why
PrintDlg succeeds in 1st Case and in second its failing.

Can any one help me with this.
If you need any more information, I can provide.

Thanks in Advance,

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