Denial of Access to a major Folder, Read-Permissions, Owner


s. mank

When I try to access my largest picture Folder in File Explorer in Build 1909 that was installed on April 11, 2020--; I get a message box telling me I do not have Permission to access it. I am the only person ever to operate this computer--; unless one includes the up to three tech support people who either examined it over live chat through screen share or installed build 1909 on the 11th.

I've been attempting to figure-out how to follow the unclearly-worded instructions that appear in long successions of instruction boxes from a website linked in one of the boxes that I think I closed, many of which bear the blue-and-white shield-symbol.

These instructions consisted of a closed thread on a Windows 10 forum I can no longer find--; that included a 20-step process I don't still remember how far I could get-through before the new boxes no-longer accommodated the remaining instructions. .

What I do remember is that--; at some point--; some kind of action box with an animated progress indicator that looked like a reflection pulsating across a bar of satin-finished metal--; came on and started "applying security [something]" to all the files on the drive containing the large folder I was trying to access--.

I was about to panic and press Cancel--; but also feared that stopping this process halfway-through might have caused even more harm than letting it finish. I had had no idea what it was doing, why it was doing it, or what it would do to the accessibility of the rest of my folders.

The results when it was finished, included that my access to my target folder was still being denied--; except that one of the entries in one of the boxes--; the one listing some kind of "principals--;" then had been "changed," to something I had interveningly selected out of a drop-down menu--. That didn't change my lack of "permission" however--.

The one most perplexing thing about this whole attempt to regain access to this folder--; is the fact that one or more of these boxes continually tells me I "could not" access the folder "even with administrative privileges--!" So "who's" got access to it--; if it is denied even to me, its own creator--?

Another thing I noticed--; was that the standing entry for "owner--;" was this massive, multi-hyphenated, 38-digit number I did not even dare to erase--. Was I supposed to over-write that--; and if-so--; with exactly-what--?

The page that had the instructions up is no longer open on my screen, and I don't know if I will be able to find it to link it to you, while I am still allowed to keep this writing-box open.

I did find another one that was similar although shorter--; and didn't show all the steps this one showed--; though maybe I should include it anyway, while including the caveat that this is not the exact, instruction set I followed--.

At the risk of going off-topic, I'm going to state what should be obvious that this is an unreasonable degree of effort required to access data I-myself created--; just because I had to do a system reset, during which I was directly instructed to unplug my external hard drives. The new build of Windows 10 has been constrictive and intrusive even up to this, but this is something out of [some kind] of [novel].

I'm going to attempt a screen-shot here, of the two boxes that still are open on my screen--:

I don't know if these give you any information you might be seeking.

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